September 13, 2011

time flies... really.

So this summer was a good one... i already said that. But one main reason why I was dreading for it to end was it meant time for Alex to leave for college. This summer was by far the best summer i've ever had! I can't think of a day Alex and I weren't together. It was filled with our deep conversations, constant sleepovers, daily trips to seven peaks, eating out at least three times a week, jam sessions, and mucho more. The last week was filled with the mall, our last sleepover, doorbell ditching brownies,working our last shift together and then she left... I knew it'd be hard but I didn't think it would really be that hard. I didn't think we'd both bawl at least. I came over to her house right after school and we hung out like normal then as the minutes past it was time for her to start her drive up to good ol' idaho. I gave her her waffle crisp (our favorite cereal haha), gatorade, and frame that i made her then we hugged goodbye, and we both lost it. I think me driving home in that condition was a bad idea... ha lets just say i couldn't see the road. but hey i made it home safely! yeah she'll return in a few weeks to visit but for now, i'm a loner... it sucks. I miss her... ALOT! Thanks for everything Chi Chi! :) you da best.

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